Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Doing All The Things!

Well, I know that it is a couple of weeks after the New Year, but I think that i have finally decided on my resolutions. Actually, I just have one but it is a crazy epic one. I want 2015 to be the year that I finally take control of my life and get it on the path that I want it to be on. I am destined for greatness but I keep flushing my time down the toilet and not living up to my potential. I am not doing the things that I want to be doing.

And that all stops now. Because my resolution is to just get the shit done, yo. I have a big ass list of things that I want to accomplish and I plan on knocking them off that list before the year is up. I want to do them all and then have a big celebration at the end of the year when my life is epic like I want it to be. That will be awesome and I cannot wait for it.